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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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CONSTANT - Cross-sectional study of the general population in Guadeloupe: health, behaviour and social environment.

Head : Atallah André, Cardiovascular rehabilitation unit

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


CONSTANT - Cross-sectional study of the general population in Guadeloupe: health, behaviour and social environment.

Head : Atallah André, Cardiovascular rehabilitation unit

Main objective

To provide data concerning the health, behaviour and social environment of the Guadeloupean population

Inclusion criteria

Individuals selected randomly who agree to participate in the study

- Survey on Support for illicit Drug Users who use Health and Social System Services

Head : DREES

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Survey on Support for illicit Drug Users who use Health and Social System Services

Head : DREES

Main objective

- To assess the number of drug users who turn to social and health institutions;
- To improve knowledge of socio-demographic characteristics, consumption;
- To help in the decision and development of treatment policies for the population of drug users seeking treatment;

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion of treatment centres:
- Institutions specialising in the reception and treatment of drug users
- health facilities: General public hospitals or specialising in psychiatry, private psychiatric hospitals in the public sector and nursing homes for mental illness
- social institutions involved in the prevention, counselling or accommodation of drug users.

All patients present in these institutions are included in the survey.

PHAPPG - Longitudinal study of a precarious Guadeloupean population: arterial hypertension study

Head : Atallah André, Cardiovascular rehabilitation unit

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


PHAPPG - Longitudinal study of a precarious Guadeloupean population: arterial hypertension study

Head : Atallah André, Cardiovascular rehabilitation unit

Main objective

The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence and treatment of arterial hypertension in a population that is precarious but has good social coverage and good access to the health care system

Inclusion criteria

The study's inclusion criteria for defining precarity were: receiving the minimum integration income (RMI) and/or unemployment and/or living exclusively on social and family services

Collation - Cross-sectional study of children in nursery school: perception and practice of snacking in Aquitaine

Head : Thibault Hélène

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


Collation - Cross-sectional study of children in nursery school: perception and practice of snacking in Aquitaine

Head : Thibault Hélène

Main objective

The purpose is to make an inventory of the habitual practices of nursery school children in terms of snacks at school, including birthday treats, in Aquitaine. This inventory allows for the acquisition of information on the perceptions, practices, changes and expectations of the students, as well as guidance of the methods of intervention intended to improve these practices.
The renewal of this survey after intervention allows for the evaluation of its efficacy and the change in students' perceptions.

Inclusion criteria

Nursery schools of the Bordeaux school district completing the questionnaire

Diabète - Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in people frequenting emergency shelters

Head : Arnaud Amandine

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


Diabète - Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in people frequenting emergency shelters

Head : Arnaud Amandine

Main objective

As part of a systematic screening action proposed to people housed in CHUSI and CHUS, the main objective of the study is to estimate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (known and unrecognised) in these people.
The secondary objectives are:
1) Describe the characteristics of people with unrecognised diabetes mellitus,
2) Evaluate the management of known diabetes mellitus (insulin-treated or not).

Inclusion criteria

The people interviewed are those accommodated in the aforementioned CHUSI and CHUS at the time of the survey and agreeing to participate.
Among the selected individuals, only the following were retained, those who:
-understand French
-have given their informed consent
People already knowing their diabetic condition will samples of their blood taken to control their glycaemic balance and the medical part of the questionnaire will be filled in by the on-site physician

CE2 - Cross-sectional study of year-4 students in Aquitaine schools: dietary intake and corpulence

Head : Thibault Hélène

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


CE2 - Cross-sectional study of year-4 students in Aquitaine schools: dietary intake and corpulence

Head : Thibault Hélène

Main objective

The purpose of this study is:
- firstly, to find out the corpulence values and to therefore calculate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in year-4 children and, secondly, to gain knowledge of their dietary habits
- to complement the data initially collected with information on sedentary activity, physical activity and parents' socioprofessional categories.
- to gain knowledge of the evolution of these data between 2004-2005 and 2008-2009 and to evaluate the impact of the program's actions implemented since 2005.

Inclusion criteria

Year-4 students in Aquitaine elementary schools

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